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EOI Train the Trainer
Full Name
Seniority Date/ Date you commenced practice as a barrister
No. of years in practice
Primary area(s) of practice
Have you previously served or are you currently serving as a tutor for Readers?
Have you been involved with the Bar Practice Course in any other capacity, such as a workshop volunteer, presenter, associate, or in any other role?
Dietary requirements
The New South Wales Bar Association collects personal information through this form to facilitate the organisation of the 2025 Train the Trainer Course and to select participants. If you are selected, the facilitator of the training, the Education Committee, and its members may have access to your information. Failure to provide the requested information may result in us being unable to process your expression of interest. For further details on how the Association collects, stores, uses, and discloses personal information, and how individuals can access and, if necessary, correct their personal information, please refer to the Association's Privacy Policy, available at The policy also outlines how to file a complaint regarding a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how the Association will address such complaints.
For more information on how the Association collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information, and how individuals can access and, if necessary, correct their personal information, please refer to the Association's Privacy Policy available at The policy also contains information on how to file a complaint against a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how the Association will handle the complaint.