This form is for solicitors and members of the legal profession who seek pro bono assistance on behalf of their client or community-based, not-for-profit legal centre.
Individuals should use the main application form.
The Legal Assistance Referral Scheme is able to assist solicitors undertaking pro bono and/or community based work by arranging a referral to a suitable barrister. Barristers who accept referrals through LARS may provide the following types of assistance;
Short telephone based advice in relation to specific legal issues eg. merit, procedure or jurisdiction.
Written advice for more complex matters, or matters that involve litigation.
Assistance with drafting and/or settling court documents including; statements of claim, affidavits and defence.
Representation and/or appearances.
We cannot assist clients who are eligible for Legal Aid. All other applications will be considered in line with the LARS Guidelines. You may wish to first discuss your application with the Managing Solicitor before completing an application form. We process all applications in order of urgency and aim to respond to applications made by legal professionals within 5 working days.
Please note that it is preferable for solicitors to remain involved with the clients and matters that are referred to the Scheme.
Please review the Bar Association privacy and collection statement at the end of the form before submitting the application.